Source code for pygromacs.gmxfiles

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from pygromacs.utils import prepare_path

"""Interfaces for reading and modifying Gromacs standard files."""

[docs]class Topol(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.filename = kwargs.pop('file', None) return None
[docs]class MdpFile(object): """Container for MDP files. Args: path (str, optional): Read from file at this path Attributes: path: Path to the last-read file. Used as default by :func:`save` when writing changes to disk. lines: This is an ordered list of :class:`MdpOption` objects, containing the parameters, values, and comments which together make up a file. It is a list to keep a read file as close to the original as possible when modifying it. options: This is a dictionary of parameters, linking to objects in :attr:`lines`. Used internally to quickly access any parameter of that list and thus file. """ def __init__(self, path=""): self.path = path self.lines = [] self.options = {} if self.path:
[docs] class MdpOption(object): """Container for an MDP option. Args: parameter (str): A parameter, value (str): its value comment (str): and comment index (int): Index of option in :attr:`MdpFile.lines` """ def __init__(self, parameter="", value="", comment="", index=None): self.parameter = str(parameter) self.value = str(value) self.comment = str(comment) self.index = index
[docs] def print(self, comment=True): """Print option as a line. Uses a standard MDP format. Use ``comment`` to print or ignore a comment. """ string = "" if self.parameter: string += "%-24s = %s" % (self.parameter, self.value) if comment and self.comment: string += "; %s" % self.comment if self.parameter or comment: print(string)
[docs] def get_option(self, parameter): """Return the value of a parameter. Args: parameter(str): A parameter Returns: str: The parameter value, empty if not found """ try: value = self.options[parameter].value except KeyError: value = "" print("option '%s' not in list" % parameter) return value
[docs] def set_comment(self, parameter, comment): """Add a comment to a parameter.""" if parameter not in self.options.keys(): print("option '%s' not in list" % parameter) return None # Verify that comment is of good form self.options[parameter].comment = comment.lstrip(';').strip() return None
[docs] def set_option(self, parameter, value, comment=""): """Set a parameter value. If the parameter is not set the option is appended to end of :attr:`lines`. Args: parameter (str): A parameter to set, value (str): its new value comment (str, optional): and comment """ if parameter in self.options.keys(): self.options[parameter].value = str(value) else: index = len(self.lines) self.options[parameter] = self.MdpOption(parameter, value, "", index) self.lines.append(self.options[parameter]) if comment: self.set_comment(parameter, comment)
[docs] def remove_option(self, parameter): """Remove a parameter from the file.""" if parameter in self.options.keys(): # Find index of parameter and remove index = self.options[parameter].index self.options.pop(parameter) self.lines.pop(index) # Adjust indices of following in list for option in self.lines[index:]: option.index -= 1
[docs] def search(self, parameter): """Search for a parameter in the file. Prints any matching option and its value. Returns: int: Number of options found """ query = str(parameter).strip().lower() i = 0 for option in self.options.keys(): if option.lower().find(query) != -1: self.print_option(option) i += 1 return i
[docs] def print_option(self, parameter): """Print a parameter, its value and comment.""" if parameter in self.options.keys(): self.options[parameter].print()
[docs] def print(self, comment=True): """Print the current file. Args: comment (bool, optional): Print or ignore comments """ for option in self.lines: option.print(comment)
[docs] def read(self, path): """Read an MDP file at ``path``. Updates :attr:`path` to given value. Parameters and lines are stored in :attr:`lines` and :attr:`options`. """ def parse_line(line): try: option, comment = line.split(';', 1) except ValueError: option, comment = line, "" try: parameter, value = option.split('=') except ValueError: parameter, value = "", "" return [var.strip() for var in (parameter, value, comment)] def add_line(line, index): parameter, value, comment = parse_line(line) # Link option keyword to place in ordered list option = self.MdpOption(parameter, value, comment, index) if parameter and value: self.options[parameter] = option return option # Verify file extension if (not os.access(path, os.F_OK)) and (not path.endswith('.mdp')): path += '.mdp' self.path = path self.lines = [] self.options = {} try: with open(self.path, 'r') as fp: self.lines = [add_line(line, index) for index, line in enumerate(fp.readlines())] except FileNotFoundError: self.path = "" print("could not open '%s' for reading" % self.path)
[docs] def save(self, path="", verbose=True, ext='mdp'): """Save current MDP file. The written content is set in :attr:`lines`. Args: path (str, optional): Write file to this path (default: :attr:`path`) verbose (bool, optional): Print information about save ext (str, optional): Use this file extension (default: 'mdp') """ if path == "": path = self.path # Verify file extension if not path.endswith(ext): path = '.'.join([path, ext]) # Verify path and backup collision prepare_path(path, verbose) # Actually save the file with open(path, 'w') as fp: with redirect_stdout(fp): self.print() if verbose: print("Saved MDP file to '%s'." % path, end = "")